Inclusion & SEND
The school follows the SEN Code of Practice and the special needs policy of the LA. The school policy on Learning Support is available from the School Policies section of our website.
At Stratford-upon-Avon School we believe that every child should feel secure, respected, and valued. We are committed to ensuring that our students achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally, and academically across all areas of the curriculum.
Inclusion & SEND Staff
Mrs Justyna Fifielska-Rozga - SENCO
Cognition& Learning/ PD/ EAL
Y10-Y13 SEN Lead
Ms Sarah Bennett - Associate SENCo
Communication & Interaction/SEMH
Y8-9 SEN Lead
Mrs Sue Hermon - Inclusion Assessment Leader
Transition/Screening & Access Arrangements
Y7 SEN Lead
Mrs Michelle Mackrill - Inclusion Administrator
(Please contact Mrs Mackrill as your first point of contact)
Support Offered by The Hub - SEND
In the Hub we support students with various needs. The barriers to learning include:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Physical Disabilities and Sensory Needs
For more information about the support offered by staff at The Hub, please read the
Hub Interventions and Assessments Information
Support Offered by The Bridge - SEMH
We also have the Bridge that provides a nurturing environment for students with a high level of SEMH related needs. Identified students receive academic and personal support to develop social, emotional, and academic learning, along with life skills within, and outside, the main school curriculum.
National and County Information
- Warwickshire's SEND Local Offer, information about local services and support across education, health and social care
- Warwickshire School’s Inclusion Charter
- Statutory Process for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment EHC and EHCP Pathway
- Department of Education's SEND Code of Practice
Support for Students, Parents & Carers
- Barnado's Warwickshire SENDIASS email Facebook page or phone 01788 593159. Support relating to SEND for young people aged up to 25yrs and their parents and carers
- Warwickshire's Integrated Disability Service (IDS), information and support for early years and transitioning to secondary school
Autism: - The National Autistic Society
- Child Autism UK
Dyscalculia: - The Dyscalculia Information Centre
Dyslexia: - British Dyslexia Association
Neurodivergence: - Information and advice for Neurodivergent people and their families
PDA: - Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) Society
Tourettes: - Tourettes Action
Feedback from parents
‘I am crying as I type this, we won!!! I was able to prove the school and your team are doing a wonderful job supporting my son and all his learning needs. The judge was impressed with your level of communication with me and that my son has support within the school to meet his needs. I will always be grateful for your support, and I know this will allow my son to have a future here in the United Kingdom in whatever profession he chooses.’
‘Thank you once again for all the time and support you have given our son this term. Your feedback has been invaluable, and we are incredibly grateful that you have been so proactive with him and his teachers in ensuring he is given all the support he needs to thrive at Stratford’
I don’t think there are many words or presents we could give you that will ever sum up how grateful we are for everything you have done for us. You have made such a difference in what such difficult few years. We can never thank you enough for the help and support. For being there for my child always and being the constant cheerleader, my child needed. You are 100% in the right job and make such a difference to those kids lucky enough to have your support. Thank you for all you have done and for always believing in my child.’
‘This parents evening has given our son such a boost. It has helped him recognise that he belongs, he is understood and thought well of. With great care from the wonderful SEN team, my son is starting to feel much more settled in his secondary school experience - with particular thanks to Justyna Rozga’.