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Admissions for Year 7 Entry September 2025:

  • Year 7 entry is 350 students
  • For children living in Warwickshire, the closing date for applications for a September 2025 admission is 31st October 2024 at 16:00. This date is issued by the Local Authority.
  • For more information and for links to Warwickshire County Council's online application system please go to
  • For further information please contact school admissions on 01926 414143. Please note that Warwickshire County Council continues to provide an Admissions Service for the school post academy conversion.
  • Entry into other years depends on numbers in that year at time of application. Please contact the school in the first instance.
  • To apply for free school meals please visit the free school meals website.
  • To apply for school transport please visit the school transport website.
  • For Sixth Form admissions please visit our Sixth Form Admissions Page

If you would like to speak to someone at the school regarding admissions or transition, please contact Mrs McLoughlin on tel: 01789 416646 or

Stage of process


Secondary school application period starts

1 September 2024

Closing date for applications

31 October 2024 at 16:00

Extended deadline for changes in address

31 December 2024

National Offer Day

3 March 2025

Deadline for submitting appeals

31 March 2025

Appeal hearings for appeals submitted on time

Set by WCC

Autumn term starts

2 September 2025 (TBC)

Admission Criteria:

The current admission criteria are, in order of priority:

  1. Children in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a local authority (under Section 22 of the Children Act 2004) and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a Residence Order or Special Guardianship Order).
  2. Children living in the priority area given in the area booklet who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.
  3. Other students living in the priority area given in the area booklet.
  4. Children of staff employed at the school for two or more years at the time the application is made, or those recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
  5. Children from outside the priority area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.
  6. Other children living outside the priority area.

Please note that children with a Educational Health Care Plan that names a school must be admitted. In this event the number of places that remain for allocation will be reduced.

Within these criteria, first priority is given in order of distance between the child’s home and the school (shortest distance = highest priority).   Distance will be calculated by the straight line measurement from the address point location coordinate of the applicant’s home address (as set by Ordnance Survey) to the centre point (‘centroid’) of the preferred school.  All measurements are subject to repositional accuracy changes. The priority area is as defined by Warwickshire.

Warwickshire also publish all of their admission arrangement policies on their website

SEN & Disability Provision Information

Arrangements for the admission of students with disabilities - For students transferring from primary schools, specialist Pastoral staff and the Learning Support Co-ordinator meet with the relevant primary staff to discuss how the needs of individual students with disabilities have been met in the school environment, and assess any anticipated difficulties.  Students and their parents are met in school and a visit or series of visits are arranged for the students during the summer term prior to Year 7.

For students transferring at stages other than at the start of Year 7, visits to school with parents to meet appropriate staff, including learning support staff, are arranged.  Students’ needs and how they will be met are discussed and the students are given the opportunity to meet other students and spend some time getting to know the school as appropriate.

Details of steps to prevent disabled students being treated less favourably than other students - Stratford upon Avon School prides itself on being an inclusive school.  Students with disabilities thrive and take an active part in all aspects of school life:  they represent the school through sporting and community involvement; they achieve well academically; their achievements are recognised and celebrated through our awards evenings; they represent their Forms in the School Parliament; they attend a range of extra-curricular activities and residential visits and establish friendships which extend beyond the school.

Details of existing facilities to assist access to the school by students with disabilities - Stratford upon Avon School’s buildings were designed and built to facilitate full access.  There are three lifts, access at the ground is level, and there is a full range of escape chairs for use by wheelchair users and anyone with limited mobility.

The accessibility plan (required under the Equality Act 2010) covering future policies for increasing access to the school by students with disabilities - The accessibility plan is an organic document, which describes measures to ensure that all students with a disability have access to the full curriculum and range of activities.  Further details of this and the school’s Equality and Community Cohesion Policy are available on our policy page (link below).

Information about the implementation of the governing body’s policy on students with special educational needs and any changes to the policy during the last year - The governing body’s policy on students with special educational needs gives details of the ways in which the learning support department and the wider school acts to ensure that students’ additional needs are effectively met.