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Over this academic year the school has been developing a coordinated approach to equality issues, linking assemblies, form time activities and sphere lessons to a particular equality theme. During the first half term we focused on Black History Month, last half term we explored the issues of bullying and harassment and this half term we are celebrating LGBT+  History Month. Later in the year we will look at women’s rights, gender equality  and issues related to disability and mental health.  

This page will be updated with information regarding equalities issues and our termly focus as we progress through the year. There are also useful links, videos and supporting information listed below.



Key Terms


Refers to a woman who has an emotional, romantic and / or sexual orientation towards women. 


Refers to a person who has an emotional, romantic and/or sexual orientation towards someone of the same gender. Both men and women may use this term to describe their sexual orientation. 


Refers to a person who is romantically, emotionally and/or sexually orientation towards people of more than one gender. 


An umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not fully reflect, the sex they were assigned at birth. May encompass one or more of a wide variety of terms, including (but not limited to) transgender, non-binary and gender queer.  


In the past ‘queer’ was used as a derogatory term for LGBT individuals. However, the term was reclaimed as a way to reject gender and social norms and labels. The term is increasingly used by LGBT young people who don’t identify with traditional categories around gender identity and sexual orientation, but is still viewed to be derogatory by some.  


A term used to describe a person who may have the biological attributes of both sexes or whose biological attributes do not fit with societal assumptions about what constitutes male or female bodies. Intersex people can identify as male, female, or nonbinary.  


Someone who does not experience sexual attraction.

The Pride Flag

Rainbow Laces Campaign

Make your friends and team mates feel welcome in sport by wearing rainbow laces. Now available in ace, bi, lesbian, non-binary, pan and trans flag colours.

Rainbow Laces (

List of Support Sites

Allsorts Youth Project

For information and advice related to individual children and young people and their families and for trans awareness training call 01273 721211 or


Useful national websites ·DSD Families

Gendered Intelligence

Gender Identity Development Service

Gender Identity Research and Education Society

Sex Education Forum


The UK Intersex Association

LGBT+HM 2022 Politics In Art: ‘The Arc Is Long’ - LGBT+ History Month (

Pride Month

From our Twitter Feed;

In this quote, Iain M Banks shares his thoughts about how fluid gender/sex and gender/sexual experience might be in the far future. If you could medically transition back and forth between male and female with ease, would you be like Gurgeh or like Yay?