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Aims & Values



To enable young people to play a positive role in society by providing them with the knowledge, skills, attributes and qualifications to become educated citizens and flourish in the future.


We hold these truths to be self-evident; that everyone is entitled to feel safe, happy and successful. We believe in, value and care for young people and want to help them to become resilient, responsible, respectful citizens. We aim to engage, enthuse and inspire. We work better and are more productive when we feel good about ourselves and trust each other.


Over the next five years we will:

  • Introduce students to the best that has been thought and said and help to develop an appreciation of human creativity and achievement
  • Provide meaningful, manageable and motivational experiences, enabling our students to acquire the knowledge and skills to Learn, Contribute and Lead
  • Improve achievement and raise standards by adding value to students based on their prior knowledge and attainment
  • Provide rich and deep educational opportunities to help understand and appreciate the wide range of social and cultural influences that have shaped our own heritage and that of others.
  • Continue to review and revise our approaches to make them fit for purpose in an ever changing world


We will know that we have achieved this because we will:
Equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to succeed in life 

  • Develop students who are proud of their achievements, their school and their community
  • Add value to the lives our students lead and the results they achieve
  • Have a positive, respectful, school culture so that all pupils can thrive together with the ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others
  • Be an influential regional voice and determined to keep improving