How is my progress assessed?
We believe students should be given regular opportunities to show off their knowledge and skills, to receive feedback from their teachers, and experience assessment as close to exam conditions as possible so that the 'real thing' is less of a mystery.
For those reasons, students complete several sets of after-school assessments in both Years 12 and 13. These assessments provide students and teachers with a regular 'dip test' of ability and allow issues to be identified where they arise. Since they take place after school, supervised by senior staff, they do not impact on valuable curriculum time in lessons.
In addition, ongoing assessment is a regular feature of Sixth Form lessons.
Will I do mock exams?
Year 12
In June of Year 12, all students complete 'Transition Exams'. These serve as the bridge to Year 13.
Year 13
In Year 13, students complete 'Mock Exams'. These usually take place in December.
Both sets of assessments add to the picture provided by in-class assessment, and students' after-school assessments. They also provide the most realistic impression we can give you of the 'real thing'.
How do I know how I am doing?
We make sure students are informed of the grades they obtain from after-school assessments, mock exams, etc. as promptly as possible.
As a student, your latest Progress Report can be accessed by logging onto your BromCom Student Portal.
As a parent, your child's latest Progress Report can be accessed via your MCAS account.
For MCAS login details, please email State your child's name, year group and tutor group.
Understanding Assessments
In addition to assessment information, what else is reported on?
- Attendance - students' AM/PM attendance – please note, below 90% is more than 1 day off per fortnight, which the DfE class as Persistently Absent from school
- Lates - a count of how many late marks the student has received for their morning and afternoon registration mark
- Class Attendance % - students’ attendance to their subjects
- Lesson Grades - a count of lesson grades given so far, this academic year
1 = Excellent Lesson
2 = Good Lesson
3 = Sufficient Work
4 = Insufficient Work in Lesson
5 = Poor Behaviour in Lesson
6 = Truant from Lesson
L = Late for Lesson
- Insufficient Homework Completed - a count of homeworks missed by the student for that subject