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Financial Assistance

Stratford upon Avon School gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance provided by Stratford Town Trust. The additional monies given to the school annually allow us to support main school learning (Years 7 -11) in a number of creative ways, and provide for enhancement to our resources and student experiences. Part of the annual grant is in the form of a fund to alleviate hardship, and is managed by the school, within the guidelines laid down by the Town Trust.

In addition to this, the school's sixth form also has access to the government funded 16-19 Bursary to provide financial support to students in years 12 and 13. For Sixth Form Financial Assistance go to our Sixth Form section.

Eligibility Criteria

We recognise that education places financial demands on parents and that there are some occasions when parents and carers may find it hard to meet these demands.  As the size of the school's support fund is limited, there are certain criteria that are applied in deciding whether support can be given. Consideration will be given to students whose parents/carers are:

  • Eligible for Free School Meals
  • In receipt of Employment Support Allowance
  • In receipt of Disability Living Allowance
  • Experiencing temporary situations which are causing difficulty, for example caused by recent job loss, bereavement or other serious unforeseen circumstances.

Please note that Priority will be given to parents / carers who have not already received support.

Qualifying Resources

An application for financial support will be considered for:

  • Obligatory items of school uniform
  • Costs of educational visits that are integral to the curriculum
  • Educational equipment e.g. text books

Year 7-11 Financial Assistance Requests

To make a request for financial assistance, please complete this online form and if asked for supporting documents, please email them to 

If you are unable to complete the online form and require a paper copy these are available to collect from the school reception.

Please note requests will only be processed during term time and must be received before the last week of any term/half term (there is not enough time to process after this point).  If you need help in the school holidays please refer to our Household Support page where you will find information about external agencies who may be able to help you.

Sixth Form Financial Assistance Requests

For Sixth Form Financial Assistance go to our Sixth Form section.