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Stratford upon Avon School has designed a curriculum that:

  • is relevant, appropriate, engaging for students and underpins social justice.
  • offers breadth, depth, balance and coherence for all in a non-selective school.
  • permits continuity and progression with programmes of study underpinned by a web of knowledge which permit learning of new content within and across year groups and stages.
  • provides equality of opportunity for all students, promoting the development of inclusive learning opportunities – taking into account the local community and School context.
  • provides an opportunity to celebrate and recognise achievement and success in academic subjects and in extra-curricular activities.
  • promotes students’ spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.
  • helps to develop an understanding of personal, social, financial and health issues such as drugs, sex and relationships and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
  • helps each student gain a sense of self-worth, independence of thought and develop a questioning approach which challenges prejudice.
  • aims to develop students as flexible and independent learners.
  • provides independent careers advice and guidance throughout a student’s time at School
  • permits the development of IT, numeracy and literacy across the curriculum.
  • enables all students to meet their full academic potential.
  • encourages students to take part in a wealth of extra-curricular and enrichment

Curriculum Details

Below please find details of the curriculum that will be followed by students currently in Year 7 -11 at Stratford upon Avon School; please note that this may be subject to change.

Information is arranged by subject and includes details of topics covered, assessment deadlines and homework areas as well as information about additional resources and extended learning opportunities

Scholars' Programme - Years 7 - 9

The Scholars Programme at Stratford School offers advanced academic opportunities for high-achieving students in Years 7, 8, and 9.

Designed to challenge and inspire those with a particular aptitude for learning, the programme helps students develop essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent research.

Access to the programme is based initially on students' SATs results, with additional recommendations from staff for those who demonstrate exceptional potential in their subjects.

Students are given the chance to engage with more complex topics beyond the standard curriculum through enrichment activities, including university-style workshops, independent projects, and specialised coursework. The programme also offers a variety of educational trips, aimed at enhancing students' understanding of subjects in real-world contexts, broadening their perspectives, and encouraging intellectual curiosity. These trips provide valuable experiences in cultural, scientific, and academic environments, fostering leadership skills and allowing students to engage with new and exciting challenges.

Overall, the Scholars Programme prepares students for future academic success, nurtures a love for learning, and builds their confidence in their ability to excel in their studies. Additional participants who would like to be join the Scholars programme will be determined termly.

Curriculum Implementation

  • The School operates a two-week timetable. There are five periods per day, each of which last for 60 minutes. There are 50 periods in each timetable cycle.
  • Each afternoon has a 20-minute registration slot, when students attend whole School, year group and vertical tutor assemblies in a two-weekly cycle. Morning registration is taken at 8.45 as part of the first lesson – every lesson is formally registered.

General principles

  • In addition to the formal taught curriculum, an extensive range of extra-curricular clubs and activities, subject enrichment and trips and visits are offered to all students.
  •  All students take part in the formal assembly structure. These follow a programme planned around PSHE, SMSC and British values and exhorting the school principles of Learn, Contribute Lead.
  • There is a programme of Independent careers education, advice and guidance throughout a student’s time in School.
  • All lessons are taught in both mixed and ability based groups in English, Maths and Science. All other subjects teach to broadly mixed ability sets within the context of our non-selective intake.
  • Students also follow a programme of spiritual personal health, emotional and social education (Sphere) education throughout their time at School.
  • All students in year 7-13 engage in tutor activities based around the school values of Learn, Contribute, Lead including literacy, values and SMSC.
  • The provision of subjects in all Key Stages is reviewed regularly. Any issues relating to a subject, or discussions of possible new subjects, are discussed at the Governors’ Curriculum Group.

Key Stage 3

  • We offer a two year Key Stage 3 where all students experience a full range of subjects with the focus being the interpreting our curriculum intent into the development of transferability in knowledge and skills. This is intended to form the foundations of the next phase of learning.
  • In Year 7 all students study a broad curriculum of: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, French, Art, Music, Drama, Design & Technology and PE.
  • In Year 8 students also access a second language in Spanish.

Key Stage 4

  • We offer all students a three year Key Stage 4. Students follow a core curriculum plus four option subjects which allows them to take 10 GCSEs plus an additional personal finance qualification. This permits us to maintain breadth within the curriculum and allow time to visit, revisit and strengthen the transferability of knowledge gained. This curriculum range is designed to support our belief in social justice and maximising opportunities for students through both progress, outcomes and skills which are built upon gaining knowledge.
  • A three year Key Stage 4 as we believe this offers a number of advantages varying from subject to subject: some can deliver the full GCSE specification in fewer lessons per week as it is spread across three years allowing us to maintain breadth we can teach additional qualifications additional to GCSE specifications for example compulsory personal financial skills for all it allows students to specialise early and have additional teaching time in smaller classes.
  • Students follow a common pathway of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, PSHE. In addition all students follow a L2 examined PE course. We are committed to ensuring our students are aware of the importance of long-term sport, fitness and nutrition as part of promoting personal wellbeing, team-work and a long-term healthy lifestyle. 
  • Students are encouraged to study the English Baccalaureate, but not forced. The value of the Ebacc is fully explained to parents and students during the options process. A strong emphasis is also placed upon History, Geography, French and Spanish.
  • In addition to History, Geography, French and Spanish we also offer Art, Photography, Food, Music, Drama, Business, Creative Media, Architectural Design and Engineering, Resistant Materials, Textiles, Social Care and a bespoke vocational skills programme (STAR) including Duke of Edinburgh, and the Princes’ Trust award.
  • All examinations are taken at the end of year 11 to maintain our philosophy of allowing sufficient time for subjects to be taught in their full breadth and depth.

Adapting the curriculum for individual students

  • The Headteacher has powers in relation to the day-to-day management of the curriculum by virtue of his office and he shares this responsibility with the Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum). Any requests relating to an adaptation of a student’s curriculum must be made in writing to the Headteacher. The Headteacher will then make the final decision relating to any changes. This may include the number of subjects studied and the qualifications entered for. The decision is made by professionals and done so with the best long-term interests of the student.

Curriculum impact:

  • The impact of our curriculum is assessed by considering:
  • External examination results at both GCSE and A Level, including the numbers gaining top grades in a wide variety of subjects and our drive to close the gap and reduce social injustice for the most disadvantaged groups.
  • The range and variety of extra-curricular and enrichment activities and students’ participation in them supported by the School leadership awards programme.
  • The proportion of students who are able to choose their destination courses at post 16 and post 18.
  • The destinations of our leavers in Year 11 and Year 13.
  • Annual reviews of the SPHERE curriculum, assembly and tutor programmes.
  • The retention of students from Year 11 into the Sixth Form.
  • The numbers of students applying to join the School in Year 7 and Year 12.